Saturday, March 6, 2010


Enjoying my green smoothie this morning!

~Brussels Sprouts
~Alfalfa Sprouts
~Agave Nectar

Blended to yummy goodness.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Raw Popcorn

I came across a recipe for raw popcorn on the Renegade Health Show and just had to make it! I am so glad I is what you need:

Nutritional Yeast
Sea Salt
Cayenne Pepper

Cut the cauliflower and toss in the remaining ingredients. Then dehydrate until done (if you want to). I say "if you want to" because as soon as I started to smell the "popcorn" I quit was making me hungry!

For the non-raw food people out there, this DOES NOT taste anything like popcorn....but it was still yummy to say the least. I have been cold all day so the cayenne and the warm cauliflower (from dehydrating) warmed me right up!


Every winter it never fails, I get really dry skin on my face. This year I haven't really tried to get rid of it, I have just been dealing with it. But today I thought I would be nice to my face....

I made a mask of raw honey and spirulina powder and slathered it on...

My skin is super happy right now :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Going Raw~Dessert for Breakfast?

Yes it is true, I ate dessert for breakfast today! Of course this can only be considered healthy on a raw food diet. YUM!

I ground up raw sunflower seeds and raw cashews added agave nectar, which created the crust, and put sliced strawberries on top. This tasted so good that my significant other asked for seconds!

Monday, February 8, 2010

T.M.I.-Too Much Information!

So I get in the shower this morning, look down at my legs, and decide that today is the the day. The leg hair has got to go! It's winter-time folks and usually when you shave and get out of the shower, you get cold, and the hair grows back anyway. So what's the point in shaving, right? Well when I looked down this morning and didn't even recognize my own leg (I thought it was a man's) I got the razor out.

I prepared myself for the task at hand by quickly washing my hair and then lathering on the shaving cream. Two razors later I have only gotten half of one leg done. I then proceed to get out of the shower for more razors, put on the shaving cream.....and then run out of hot water. PERFECT! I now have half of one leg shaved and that is how it is going to stay for the remainder of winter.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow Day

We actually got snow this year!!! Look what the boys created in my yard....

Going Raw Day 7

Well I would like to report that I have been 100% raw the past 6 days......of course I can't. If it weren't for my late-nite binges I probably would feel amazing right now! It's okay I keep telling myself I'll get there....

I had "tacos" for lunch today. Who would have thought all this....

Would have made yummy looking tacos like this...?

I owe it all to Matt Amsden. If it weren't for him, I would be eating a bunch of bananas. Check him out!